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Not to mention the fact that he should have been getting his briefings either at the WH or on Air Force One comedy on his way down. Besides, it was painfully obvious that this wasn't a "briefing" in any meaningful sense of the word, and the tying up of the resources and the "leadership" of the crisis management agencies seems more than comedy a little problematic, wouldn't you think? I am willing to take the levee story at face value until it does not appear on Stephanopoulous's show later this comedy morning. As for the story dealing with the feeding stations being there only long enough for the photo op I also said if confirmed, indicating it is subject to confirmation. However given the rest is confirmed by links or about to be in a few more hours, assuming Rhenquist does not bump it, which I might expect normally but not with this matter, or so I would hope anyway I am willing to grant the possibility of truth to it.
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