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That doesn't make them right, but it makes things make a little more sense, and it makes a f@#ed up debate a little video more comprehensibel to navigate. And, at least in my case, it gives me sympathy for those who want to reduce the sublime to a code of behavioral rules. At the same time, to Bob M. and company: please video don't make the same mistake as the religious right and conflate the flawed actions of some video people who claim to have a certain belief with the actual meaning of that belief to many people who hold it. That's another reason some people of faith get mad from time to time; we're not all conservative zealots, we're their victims, too, and it drives us nuts when some liberals refuse to try to tell the difference. Posted by: veruca | Dec 20, 2004 6:13:02 PM Christmas is a holiday that celebrates the fact that days have stopped getting ever shorter.