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No political candidate who says "I am an agnostic" drunk naked woman or even worse "I am an atheist" can win public office in this country, except perhaps in a tiny handful of ultra-liberal college towns. All my life I have been subjected to subtle and not-so-subtle coercion to participate in publicly drunk naked woman sanctioned religious ceremonies that are an drunk naked woman affront to my conscience. My preferences are never consulted; my views are generally regarded as so inconsiderable as to not even merit a polite acknowledgment that they exist. My child has been required to recite a national loyalty oath in school that contains an alien religious creed as a part of it. Every day, I receive numerous social messages to the effect that the majority in this country regards me as a second class citizen. And yet, more and more members of the same majority complain that I and other non-believers are "waging war" on Christianity.
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