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We're not purists and we're not sticklers for getting every element of son tradition right. We're not even very good at the inclusivity bit; major world religions go unrepresented and there is no fully secular alternative. But nobody can question what we're trying to do or that son lots of people can enjoy the fun without wasting NYT column inches with their objections. Another point that hit me was about Kwanzaa. I'm really sick of hearing people point out that it was "made up" in the 60s. Holidays are son as a rule made up--you might believe your holiday was handed down directly from God, but most disinterested observers would disagree. They aren't more authentic just because we forgot who made them up, and even a lot of the ones we think of as very traditional were invented in the past few centuries. Posted by: Paul Callahan | Dec 20, 2004 4:29:40 PM Besides, the pagans were right.