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Funny, that. Posted by: cmdicely | Dec 20, 2004 4:32:43 PM Ah, Matt, this debate would all make much more sense to you if you realized that the major religious debates today have absolutely nothing to do with theology God, or even what we used to think of as religions anymore, because the folks that set the religious agenda have basically agreed that it doesn't matter who refugees God is or what his ultimate plan for creation is anymore, but what really matters refugees is refugees who people are sleeping with. We've reduced religion that used to be about God to being purely about people and how they behave, and as an ironic result, Jewish people with conservative notions about behavior evangelical Christians, Orthodox, and Catholics with conservative notions about behavior now have much more in common with one another than with anyone else in the less puritanical branches of their own faiths, despite the fact that a mere few centuries ago they were all killing one another because they radically disagreed (and still do) about the nature of God!