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Not that it completely works mind you, ask any woman in any of the branches of the US military. The result is that it’s simply not possible to react as someone judging this completely one way or another; ie whether free mom and son sex they have full culpability or not. They may very well do so, free mom and son sex but such situtations so emphatically show how important context is. That said, these fucks need to be put into general prison population and have the shit kicked out of them a few dozen times. Fucktards. 30 ACG Mar 8th, 2006 at 10:44 am free mom and son sex Georgia will never pass effective hate crime legislation. One reason is that it’s hard to legislate “hate crimes” without wandering into “thought crimes,” but the other is that there are too many good ol’ boys in the state house who secretly (or not so secretly) think that beatin’ on a coupla faggots is both a nice release at the end of a stressful day and an effective way to deter faggitude in their districts.