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Rindy was so “pumped” that getting herself to the gym and doing her workouts wasn’t ever a problem. But eating six small meals a day was hard for her at first. “I thought I was going to blow up!” she laughs. “But I didn’t, because I was burning fat with the weights and the cardio. mother daughter sex pics If you don’t take in enough protein and mother daughter sex pics carbs and eat the right kinds of foods, you can’t build anything. You have to have fuel for your engine.” Turning a negative into a positive When Rindy wanted to start increasing the mother daughter sex pics weight she lifted, Jana suggested she have her bone density checked because Jana had noticed a curve in Rindy’s spine. Rindy was due for a physical anyway. “When the doctor looked at me he said, ‘You’re the healthiest looking specimen I’ve had in this office forever, I can’t believe your bone density is so low.’,”
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