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That’ll be three years for the beating. Oh, and chick drunk you called him a ‘mother fucking faggot’ when you hit him the first time? That’ll be another 2 years. 43 ACG chick drunk Mar 8th, 2006 at 12:55 pm R. Mildred - You’re right, I did forget about intent. You’re absolutely correct. However, as I said, the biggest reason that hate legislation won’t pass in Georgia is that gays are icky. 44 Sarah in Chicago Mar 8th, 2006 at 1:13 pm R. Mildred - chick drunk You’re EXACTLY right. It’s the intent and resultant behaviours that are prosecuted, not the thoughts. There is a large, well established, and long judicial history that such legislation easily fits into. Anyone that trys to claim otherwise, doesn’t really understand law.
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