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18 JR Mar 8th, 2006 at 1:19 am those ‘animals’ commit these crimes, and a thousand identical unprosecuted war crimes against the iraqis, every day with the approbation and cooperation of the vast majority of ‘good men and women in uniform’. this stuff doesn’t just come out of nowhere. drunk naked I believe blaming the soldiers drunk naked for the quicksand they are trapped in is stupid. They didn’t send themselves to drunk naked war. In a “good war” a lot of bad things happen. In a “bad war” even worse things happen. A “bad war”, in my opinion, would be one like Iraq, where an incompetent command structure places soldiers in harm’s way without any clue on how to “win” or any recognition or appreciation for the limits of military force. And then leaves them hanging out there, getting shot at and blown up indefinitely.
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