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The designers say the game's useful for relieving stress, and 1996 cricket world cup maybe I'm confused because of some culture gap, but if ramming your finger into 1996 cricket world cup the asshole of a "Gold digger" is how you relax, 1996 cricket world cup there is a one hundred percent chance that you just got done doing something illegally insane. If this game really wanted to help the world, it would drop a steel cage around anyone who puts a quarter in it and club him or her until the authorities arrived. Nudity Challenge: 0/10 There's really no nudity to earn in this game, but after a successful game, a card pops out of the machine that "will explain your sexual behavior." And guessing what kind of people would assault a toy ass in public, it's a safe bet that each and every card reads, "You sex life big time number one disaster of freakish criminal behavior."