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I can't say that I know her work but I am not an intellectual and I have large gaps in my knowledge (I refugees still have not read any Proust, for example, nor have I seen the new movie, The Independent, from the creative team of Mike Wilkins and Stephen Kessler). In any event, though I do not wish to minimize Ms. Szdlowski's pain, I think back to refugees when my wife and I didn't know whether our son was shot and killed at the North Valley Jewish Community Center when Buford Furrow started his rampage a refugees couple of years ago. In other words, though we writers are sensitive creatures, some of us should put such things as the Body Bag into perspective. Daniel A. Olivas. CORPSE RAPPED ON COPYEDIT KNUCKLES I am a West Virginia native, writer, and graduate of UCLA. What I fail to understand about Mr. Wilson's article is this: Why you publish reportage that has quotes inside periods, why you don't edit writers who don't know the difference between "affect" and "effect," and why Mr.