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Thanks for having the sharp eye to print such a respectfully irreverent portrait of America's Villon, or the Beat's Jarry, or however else you might want to style this wonderful, pissing-in-the-street, way-out poet/legend Mr. Corso was, is and will become. video As for myself, I continue slogging video through the video trenches in the front line of the War on Poverty, in my capacity as a temporary Welfare Eligibility Examiner. Mercifully, they took me off food stamps. I was giving away too many, Issuing benefits right and left, without adequate verification. Guess I figured that was the best way to keep the sorry sumbitches from overrunning our positions. But pretty soon, thanks to my wholesale shotgun efforts, the entire city began filling up with the farts of the poor. Getting so you couldn't ride a public bus without getting half gassed to death, while Welfare mommas, loafers, losers, aged, disabled, etc.