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I momand son sex ponder this op/positionalism and wonder if it is in response to a pre/positioned paradigm of normalcy wherein "innocence" or "innocuous" are assumed to posture momand son sex in an essential tension with the monstrous porno/graphy (i.e.; you write: "in at least one of our minds, the pictures were not all that innocent")? "Ambiguity" --literally, to "drive around"(L. ambi+gere)--seems to connote a circular drive; a drive which defies the typical comings (and goings) of momand son sex a linear texture; a capacity to run circles around the colloquialized argumentation erroneously construed in this culture between the prostituted graphic (re: L. porne=prostitute; hence pornography), and the Rorschached image of "innocence" (e.g.: doe a depicted deer). Given this tacit oppositionalism pervasive in our culture (i.e.: