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She goes out more than me (I'm 22, shes late 40's) even though she can't handle her drink. Many a night have a been disturbed when stopping at my kama sutra boyf's (we have our own house now, thank god!!) her screaming and arguing with my boyf's step kama sutra dad/brother. Nice lady when she's sober tho! Step Mum-in-law to be is Scotish, drinks pints, does our washing when we haven't got time, and always says "Murder" when we pester her to. Nice Lady!Pretty feeble compaired to the majority, ah well! (bectoria, Fri 9 kama sutra Sep 2005, 14:46) KIng of all lurkage Tee hee hee - I defile the food of the mentally ill. Hilarious!You asswipe. (MizStinky, Fri 9 Sep 2005, 14:38) And my current M-I-L is a big fat munter, who i hate, and she hates me back equally. ( 4dam is much better than Ironman Testicles, Fri 9 Sep 2005, 14:28) My previous girlfriends mother was a schizophrenic alchoholic mentalist.When