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Complete cunt. HATED her. Grrr.My divorce is coming through next month. FUCKING HOORAY! Rid of both of them. Life is good! branding :) (Tone Incognito fucking rocks, Mon 12 Sep 2005, 23:42) Time for a father-in-law one... branding Not that we're married, or likely to be, but here goes...Imagine a freezing cold winter in Gunma-ken, about an hour north of Tokyo by bullet train, and then an hour's drive into the mountains. The in-laws-to-maybe-be love going to the very traditional Japanese branding hot spring baths, so off we go, after a couple of words of advice from my beloved. Off we go, that is, separately - her & putative mother-in-law, and me and PFIL, whose English isn't even as good as my Japanese. So - I manage to get butt naked in a room full of strange men, and to wash _before_ getting into the bath. All despite small Japanese boys who have apparently never seen a hajukin before, let alone a naked one, standing about ten inches from my wedding tackle gazing at me in wonderment (cue apology for length).
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