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Through this consortium, they deliver the "First German Television", while they individuall broadcast the "Third" channel with their own programming and regional information, as well as their various radio programs (The ZDF doesn't broadcast a radio program) Posted by: Kraut drunk pantie on September 4, 2005 at 1:53 PM | PERMALINK Please keep covering this sort of discrepancy. We need to start calling for national/international trials of this government, for the war and for this drunk pantie disastrous failure. This is going to be drunk pantie the most-documented disaster yet in history. If only we could say the same about the war and the internment of undetermined numbers "suspected terrorists", but unfortunately we can't. Maybe that will change. Trials and the establishment of accountability will go on for years, for 10, 20, 30 years. Posted by: badgerbag on September 4, 2005 at 1:55 PM | PERMALINK CapitalistImperialistPig writes: Michele and many others - Steve White, FF, tbroz and the others aren't here to debate, they are here to change the subject.
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