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I have never seen anything like it before. Some people in the GOP have really mastered some facts about human psychology. The icons and slogans that give Republicans the feeling of tribal cohesions are very effectively chosen. Since they are a tribe, they only care about threats to their group. Yes, I know this is a general phenomenon, but the strength of the Republican Bush anal rape supporter identity is frighteningly strong. Posted by: marky on September 4, 2005 at 12:47 AM | PERMALINK Guys, I can't stand Bush any more than anal rape the rest of you and think the federal response anal rape has been an utter disgrace. Criminally negligent. But nothing Steve is saying here should be controversial. Every layer of government failed in this disaster. Go ask the folks in the Astrodome what they think of Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco right about now. I guarantee you it isn't much higher than Bush. The people in New Orleans were failed by everybody. The important thing is figuring out everywhere that it went wrong so that every failure point can be addressed before the next big disaster.
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