A reviewer, October 9, 2002, Sounds exercise bicycles mother phone sex

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A reviewer, October 9, 2002, Sounds great, mother phone sex but didn't work mother phone sex for meEverything in the book makes allot of sense..I was glued to it, and had to keep reading. I was very enthusiastic about the diet. However, after trying the diet for over 3 weeks, this is what I noticed: I felt VERY drained, both physically and mentally, it was harder to wakeup in the morning, and weight-training was SUPER TOUGH. Eating only fruit until mother phone sex Noon was easy and tasty, but it made me feel like I did not have a breakfast, and trying to concentrate or do physical activity was tough. 2 days ago I resumed my regular diet of eating cereal or waffles in the morning, drinking skim milk and taking in more protein, and I FEEL AWESOME!!!FULL
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