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Fit Over 40 is also an inspirational e-book, profiling 50 amazing human 1950 housewife beings who defied the odds and created bodies and levels of fitness and health that would be envied by people 20-30 years their junior! These "chicken-soup for the soul-style" success stories and before/after transformations have to be seen to be believed! Here are just a few of them: * A 77-year-old grandmother who trains and competes in bodybuilding with her 48-year-old daughter! 1950 housewife * A 49 year old man who overcame Multiple Sclerosis, and built a body 1950 housewife that would impress Arnold Schwarzenegger * A 46-year-old morbidly obese man from Chicago who lost 130 pounds in one year, and is now a fitness addict who runs in skyscraper stair climbing races (he even runs the Sears Tower race, placing in the top 8% of the field) * A 55-year-old former skid row alcoholic and drug addict who found rehab and relief from addictions through strength training and exercise * A "heart-cripple" who literally regenerated 75% of his dead heart tissue and now competes in bodybuilding - at the age of 74!
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