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I should go into the local tavern with a lamp. Among "tasseled circles," as Puchowski puts it, who has heard of Alfred Jarry, much less read him?      Postmodernism is a weak version of 'Pataphysics, as neither teenage sex clips Deleuze nor Lyotard (to say nothing teenage sex clips of Hutcheon) had the strange clairvoyance teenage sex clips of Jarry. Remember in Shattuck's book it said that Jarry could invite somebody over for lunch, take out a fishing pole, and have eight fish before Madame Rachilde arrived a half hour later? I wish to nitpick with Puchowski on one point however. He writes, "Other than time travel how else could Jarry have known Rousseau would come to be regarded as one of the most important painters of the 20th century, while the others would fade into relative obscurity."
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