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Szdlowski's pain, I think back to when my wife and I didn't know whether our son was shot and killed at the North Valley Jewish Community Center when Buford Furrow started his rampage a couple of years ago. In other words, though we writers are sensitive creatures, some of us should put such things as the Body Bag into perspective.      Daniel A. Olivas. CORPSE RAPPED ON stage COPYEDIT KNUCKLES I am a West Virginia native, writer, and graduate of UCLA. What I fail to understand about Mr. Wilson's article is this: Why you publish stage reportage that stage has quotes inside periods, why you don't edit writers who don't know the difference between "affect" and "effect," and why Mr. Wilson doesn't mention that incidents like the one about which he's reporting occur (relatively unreported) every two to three years in that area of the world.
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