Fucking sucks. I think refugees maturesex

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Fucking sucks. I think people get screwed over no matter what maturesex bank they go to, unfortunately. Sorry it happened to you/your wife/your mother-in-law, you don't deserve it. Thanks. I'm so pissed off though. Today I'll start smoking again. I need it. __________________   That maturesex Little Animal View Public Profile Send a private message to That maturesex Little Animal Send email to That Little Animal Find More Posts by That Little Animal 06-10-2005, 12:38 AM   #13 log jammin Member   Join Date: 29 September 2005 Age: 60 Now I see why people rob banks so much.   log jammin View Public Profile Send a private message to log jammin Find More Posts by log jammin 06-10-2005, 01:12 AM   #14 Sarah Cock off.
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