Last year’s World Toilet mom son sex current affairs

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Last year’s World Toilet Summit was held in Beijing, and the 2005 World Toilet Expo & Forum just wrapped-up in Shanghai. Given the huge lift in positive brand image these Chinese destinations garnered from the events, current affairs the competition to determine where this year’s World Toilet Summit will splash down has been turgid. The all-out warfare between the State of Kansas, the city of Sao Palo and the former Yugoslavia current affairs spilled out over the rim on several occasions. In the end, Belfast wiped clean the competition and was chosen to host the next Summit this coming fall. Here’s a whiff of what to expect: Wide ranging toilet-related topics covered by the Experts! Benefit from an interesting mix of plenary sessions covering in-depth situational studies and invaluable experiences from not less than 25 international and local speakers… So c’mon, take the plunge, and reserve your seat today.
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