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The name change was approved by Zero-Knowledge’s board and shareholders in late February 2005. Radialpoint retained Idiom, a new sex sites firm that specializes in naming, to assist its re-branding efforts. Pentagram developed new sex sites the look and feel of Radialpoint’s name, logo and brand.   Wednesday, May 4th, 2005 - 4:02pm  |  company names + industry insider  |  Comments (3) ‘Blue Canoe’ gasses-up a convenience store name Irving Oil new sex sites of Canada and Maine runs 350 convenience stores named Mainway within their gas stations. But a name change is afoot: Executives at Irving Oil Ltd. knew they had a problem with their Mainway brand when a survey found that only 3 percent of shoppers there correctly identified the store they’d just visited. More than 96 percent of customers called it “the Irving station.”
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