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Yeh, that means you owe us $10 more participation for last month, drunk whore or out your bony butt goes on the pavement." Yeah, so much fun to kick 'em when they're down. It's the American way. Not that any other nation is any much different. Face it, the problem is drunk whore with that slippery slimy article called the human heart. I know. I got one, too. Sometimes I lie awake at night listening to it tick tick tick -- like some kinda drunk whore sleazy hideous nuclear-smallpox-landmine timebomb. Kill God -- it's all His fault, the crazy old fuck! Willie Smith. BROKEN NEWS || CRITIQUES & REVIEWS || CYBER BAG || EC CHAIR || FICCIONES || THE FOREIGN DESK GALLERY || LETTERS || MANIFESTOS || POESY || SERIALS || STAGE & SCREEN || ZOUNDS Exquisite Corpse Mailing List: Subscribe | Unsubscribe ©1999-2002 Exquisite Corpse - If you experience difficulties with this site, please contact the webmistress.