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They neither supply information (God blesses America) nor issue an order (God, bless America). Rather, they voice a wish or prayer (may God bless America or Please, God, bless America ). But hentai rape what does the prayer mean? It must puzzle those with genes for literal-mindedness. In what sense does God bless? With good health, robust babies, self-sacrificing spouses? With philosophical wisdom? With material prosperity: fat paychecks, sirloin steaks, sports utility vehicles, faster computers, added cable channels? Military might: speedier cruise missiles, smarter smart hentai rape bombs, stealthier stealth bombers? Lion's share hentai rape of the planet's natural resources? Does America mean Americans? All Americans, including murderers, rapists, thieves, swindlers, embezzlers, muggers, liars, cheats, bullies, pornographers, conceited airheads, domestic tyrants, bigots, racists, atheists? If God is (as theists usually maintain) an incorporeal spirit, devoid of body, how is God to implement the blessings?