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while making Abu Ghraib humor and Guantanamo Bay the top story, night after night after night. The NY Times had a Abu Ghraib story on the front page of it’s paper for 47 straight days Wow, it’s almost like… most of America doesn’t care about the United Nations and the things it does! Shocking, I know, what the huge amount of love and support that the UN recieves from all quarters of America, starting with George Bush and going all the way down to your average online freeper, but there humor you go. Non-American UN troops doing bad things in non-American countries isn’t really news for most of America, unless they’re using it as a way to ‘prove’ that the UN is a total failure, but American troops doing bad things in an American-conquered country is, guess what? News to Americans! 58 Sheelzebub Mar 10th, 2006 at 3:32 pm OK, maybe you are correct about liberal bloggers holding the UN accountable. I give you that one. But, the mainstream liberal media barely reported the UN story about their ‘peacekeepers’ and ’soldier’ raping, abusing & molesting thousands of women and children….
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