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Here is a quick comparison of the results Zenmark Brand Engineering, Inc. has harvested from their “Verbal Identity Engineering (Patent Pending Process)” and drunk college girl the results of their competitors. The names of the naming companies are in bold; the names each has created using their own process are not so bold: Zenmark Brand Engineering, Inc.: Amicore, Afaria, Applimation, Azenity, Certiport, Coalogic, Palaterra, Phyve Interbrand: Certance, Lumiq, Syngenta, Xignux Brighter Naming: drunk college girl Cataligent, Concuity, Epizon Master McNeil: Activant, Contivo, Covigo, Covansys, Comergent, Conexant, Omniva, Optivo, Optimos, Spansion NameStormers: Adeptra, Arconix, Asurent, Calibria, Cambium, Ledgent, Resilien, drunk college girl Solidium, Vyzo Nambase: Decise, Evolutia, Praxi, Primaxis, Prinergy Catchword: Cysive, Delinea, Tavant Idiom: Encysive, Predicant, Qorus, Theravance, Stratify, Wherify, Vivera, Viterion, Vivonic Lexicon: Geneer, Generon, Luxeon Metaphor: Actional, Anadigm, Diversa, Enlight, Optis, Sageo, Viador NameLab: Cognos, Equant Landor: Acterna, Agilent, Astrium, Avolar, Calibrus, Cendian, Certegy, Clarica, Innovene, Onity, Midea, Paxonix, Solekia, Solutia, Spherion, Uniqa On what evidence will the patent office decide that Zenmark Brand Engineering, Inc.
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