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OK, the drunk boob wife and I get seperated (long story). Being skint the drunk boob M-I-L offers to help furnish my new flat. Great, she buys me a 28" widescreen drunk boob TV, chairs, pots and pans and all the usual gubbins you know you need but forget to buy. All is good in the world until the night before a very important work related exam. She rings up about the fact she has to baby sit that night, when I'm at home alone (the ex is out with her new beau). She goes absolutley fucking mental! I mean M-E-N-T-A-L. When I explain about the exam, the fact it was her daughters decision to end the relationship and that her daughter had been shagging strangers she met on the internet in her car she then really flipped. I was threatened with all sorts of nasty violence. Her "beloved daughter would never do such a thing!". I slept fully dressed that night, with a metal bar next to the bed and my trainers on in case she and her alcoholic husband (who also rang a month later threatening me) decided to turn up for a pakka.
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