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[ding!] After all this, they still don’t trust me (why should they?) and ask for people they can call to drunkdriving victim back up my assertions. It is a simplistic method of factchecking, but one apparently appropriate for our simplistic method of journalism. Neither reporter nor factchecker need look at reality; all that is important is what people say reality is. Oh, and what it looks drunkdriving victim like in the magazine. The photo shoot is tomorrow. posted July 12, drunkdriving victim 2004 09:13 AM (Personal) (15 comments) # Nearby « prev | up | next » Why Ralph Runs What is going on at the Supreme Court? Four Myths About Politics Fahrenheit 9/11 Transcript: The Saudi Flights Stupid Criticisms of Fahrenheit 9/11 Fact Check Web Development Restarts Press Clipping Hackers and Painters: How to Think Like a Computer Millionaire Who would bin Laden vote for?