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« Gilbert asian rape and Jaime at the Onion | Main | Are You Fucking Kidding Me? » January 21, 2005 Sharon and My Mother-In-Law Suad Amiry's Sharon and My Mother-In-Law has gotten me all excited. I ordered it from Amazon UK (where it was ranked #1 yesterday), asian rape even though I am a single mom and broke, because I can't wait to read it. I loved Rachel Cooke's article on Amiry. Amiry is also interviewed over at BBC's Women's Hour. It's cool to listen to her tell her own story about asian rape how she ended up in Ramallah, in Palestine, and how humor helps get you "out of the frame" of oppression. She reads a section where she goes to fetch her mother-in-law from home: "It suddenly occured to me: God! How am I going to get her to jump over both walls?
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