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Fortunately, few Christians pay heed to this command of the all-to-human sweet baby Jesus. But we do hold these truths to be self evident hardcore drunk sluts - that to believe in a second coming and the end of the world gives no reason to feel concerned about hardcore drunk sluts the long-term future of Earth. Why should we care about the environment, wars, or suffering if we believe that the world will come to an end soon and that everything will get taken care of in heaven? I'm sure the president hardcore drunk sluts doesn't. You KNOW he don't give a flying fuck at a doughnut, thank you Jesus from whom all blessings flow. The Golden Rule can have devastating results that can lead to hurt feelings, anger, and violence. For example, imagine an Islamic group doing unto Christians the way Islamics do unto themselves or try to imagine what Islamics might feel when other people treat them like Christians.
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