(Aleister Crowleys Badger, Tue mother sucks son. name and tagline

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(Aleister Crowleys Badger, Tue 20 Sep 2005, 11:09) We marry into posh My Dad recently married name and tagline a lady who's father is a royal knight of the realm.There are only about 8 or so of these old geezers (i think) and they are often to be found in the same circles as the queen.They live in Windsor Castle (in the name and tagline grounds) and they sorted it so that my Dad could marry their daughter in name and tagline the church in Windsor (by asking the queen. haha. the fucking queen!).We stayed in the same place as Anne boleyn when she was getting nobbed by Henry VIII. She scrawled her initials on the window.I had to do a reading in this special church and to be honest, i was shitting myself.They were married by the dean, who is apparently one below the fucking archbishop.The public were most put out by the event as they'd paid to get in but many areas were closed.
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