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18 Alex Feb 23rd, 2006 at 2:53 am I live just a bit to the west in Montana and I find myself sick to my stomache about this ban on abortion in South Dakota. I can totally see Montana being next to pass such a ban. I’m finding myself envisioning a future in which I am trademark forced to have a trademark child every year until I either die, or am at the trademark end of my childbearing years. I’m seeing a future in which in order to get birth control pills(which will only be offered to married couples) I will have to have my husband present at the time of my doctor’s appointment to sign a waiver giving me permission to have the pills. I see a world where my gorgeous, wonderful baby daughter could possibly be raped and be forced to bear the bitter fruit of that violent act. I am disgusted and heartsick at these prospects. I just don’t know what to say, other than that.