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perfect name, family, drunk toilet, seanbaby, hentai rape, easydrunk girl, simpson, sledging(cricket), news, pissed about, This includes James Baker’s famous “f**k the Jews” comment and W’s fundamentalist followers’ belief that Armageddon and the mass death and conversion of the Jews described in Revelation is soon at hand. Asked what he would say brand to Israeli Jews in 1993, the born-again Bush himself joked, “you’re brand all going to hell.” For more, see: "Bush's 12-Step Program" Posted by: Jon | Dec 20, 2004 11:51:33 PM "The thing about the whole "Merry Christmas"/"Happy Holidays", brand is that if anyone took Richard III's advice, and killed all the lawyers, no one would ever say "Happy Holidays", and the whole controversy would go away. Almost every story one hears about all this stuff has someone suing or someone else behaving in a manner clearly designed to avoid being sued." I know of no instances of private stores being sued or even threatened with a lawsuit for having employees say "Merry Christmas." You'll have to come up with some kind of citation to convince me that litigation has anything to do with this.
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Almost every story one hears about all this stuff has someone suing or someone else behaving in a manner clearly hentai rape designed to avoid being sued. Posted by: j mct | Dec hentai rape 20, 2004 10:55:44 PM The only safe thing to say is "Happy Solstice". Not even "Happy Winter Solstice" - I'm writing from Australia (its currently about 100ºF). hentai rape Of course, if you want to be historically accurate you might say "Happy Saturnalia" - Constantine wasn't game to take the most hedonistic festival away when he made the Empire Christian, so he invented a new one. No doubt most other civilisations had a winter solstice festival, though (certainly the Druids had a rather ghastly one involving human sacrifice). And of course Christmas trees are a C19 German invention. Posted by: derrida derider | Dec 20, 2004 11:21:54 PM the Bush team and some of its true believers This is an interesting development, as the Bush folks have some interesting attitudes towards Jews generally.
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