Bush. Louisiana Gov. Kathleen freepictures of incest news

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Bush. Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco has announced that she is hiring Witt to assist in the hurricane recovery. IEM erroneously claimed that James Lee Witt Associates was part of its team. See the news September 4 story on the Wayne Madsen Report about more on the James Lee Witt matter. It is very telling to on the outrageous corruption of the GOP cronies close to the Bush administration. Posted by: ewastud on September 4, 2005 news at 9:38 PM | PERMALINK The main reason these news people did not leave New Orleans before the hurricane is poverty. They did not have the means to evacuate. Whose fault is that? Some would say it is government’s fault. It is the government’s responsibility to take care of its citizens, regardless of their social status.
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