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rejumble the letters..... = WOMAN HITLER. (ginger momand son sex crumbs, Fri 9 Sep 2005, 17:32) My mother in law My mother in law is a complete mentalist. She also hears voices, usually the pesky Joan of Arc who frequently tells her to set fire momand son sex to things. This has resulted in momand son sex her being moved from her council flat which she gutted to another one in the same block which she singed, then to sheltered accommodation where she set fire to a bin before finally being sectioned. She then even set fire to the hospital curtains. Now she's having to stay in hospital because no where else will insure her or put up with her. I have to admit I quite enjoy telling people the saga, as I'm very proud of my final sentence: "She's literally burnt all her bridges".She also p*ssed twice on my couch last Christmas day, and once threatened to stab me. But her son is lovely. (khd, Thu 8 Sep 2005, 20:02) Spiritual Crocodile I used to go out with this girl who was a Mormon WHICH IN MANY WAYS WAS A BIG MISTAKE but anyway she was fit and dirty so all other considerations went out the window.
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