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WitchingDays in which futures, options on stocks and options on stock indexes expire simultaneously. It happens on milf sample videos the third Friday of March, June, September and December. This typically results in higher volatility in the stock market on such days. Turnaround Stock  Company that has milf sample videos been doing poorly for some time but is now turning its sales and earnings back up, usually due to new management, new products or a major improvement in milf sample videos industry conditions.  more...Turnover RateThe number of shares traded per year as a percentage of shares held by a mutual fund. An indicator of a fund's trading activity. Many aggressive growth funds have higher turnover rates. Top of page  Close this windowUUp/Down Volume Ratio  A 50-day ratio that is derived by dividing total volume on up days by the total volume on down days. A ratio greater than 1.0 implies positive demand for a stock. more...Top of page  Close this windowVValue Investing  An investing strategy that focuses on companies believed to be undervalued (indicated by low price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios, low price-to-book value, etc.). more...Venture
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