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Mildred - You’re EXACTLY right. It’s the intent and resultant behaviours that are prosecuted, not the thoughts. There is a large, well established, and long judicial history that such legislation easily fits into. Anyone that trys to claim otherwise, doesn’t really understand law. (oh, and as a disclaimer, I study hate crimes from a sociological perspective for a living). 45 SarahS Mar 8th, 2006 at 2:53 pm Odd2 That isn’t just a showbiz thought. Calling someone a “mother showbiz fucking faggot” when you hit him showbiz is an action. And our justice system allows for many enhancers when people committ certain actions. If you beat someone up on a whim outside the bar you get sentanced to less time then if you have been stalking that person for weeks an beat them up outside the bar.