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Naturally, he was called on the carpet for this. The usual suspects got involved (the Rutherford Institute, legal arm to Pat Robertson's maturesex CBN) and presto! the "they're-banning-the-Declaration!" meme takes flight. Posted by: Scrooge McDuck | Dec 21, 2004 10:46:36 AM "I used to be an atheist, but maturesex I gave it up. They have no holidays." --Henny Youngman Posted by: Seth maturesex Gordon | Dec 21, 2004 11:02:54 AM Don P, I don't intend to use this comment section for a full fledged theological debate. I'm uncertain from your post, though, whether you are troubled by Christianity itself (as in a set of beliefs) or more so the concrete manifestations of it in human institutions (the church) over history? Are your concerns primarily about regulation of behavior or do you find the belief in God, a trinity, God being made flesh, etc, inherently dangerous? In terms of this: "Christianity has always been to a very great extent about regulating behavior, about distinguishing right behavior from wrong behavior."