art director, accident driving drunk, seanbaby, 1, screen, electronicgaming monthly, comedy clubs, web dafesign, get drunk and be somebody, interfaith marriage, female comics, anger, ha ha, drunk naked, australia, experiential names, mcsweeney's, open publishing,
I pray for their quick demise and hope that no one else EVER has in-laws as bad as those two jerks! selfish writer people 25 My fiancé's mother has been pissing me off, I'm on the verge of screaming at writer her. The stupid bitch first has the nerve to tell his dad behind our backs that she doesn't like us living together. Tells me what a good influence I am on her son to my face. She dropped by one day unannounced saying she forgot our writer phone#, then gets pissed b/c we both work and she needed someone to put his little brother's bed together. He told her give me a day a few days ahead and i'll come do it. so the bitch calls on a Saturday when she knows i work all day and he spends time at my parents, then calls his fucking dad telling him that she asked 3 times and she's pissed cause he blew her off. What the fuck? Supposedly she already put the bed together before by herself, so why not do it this time.