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A friend's soon-to-be mother in law came out with this upon learning that he was half jewish;"You killed baby Jesus"Not much else to say, really. (schnuff, Sat 10 Sep 2005, 19:39) Apropos of nothing... I was just wondering if anyone could come drunk teen up with a decent anagram of mother-in-law? I've been trying for a good few hours now and all drunk teen I can come up with is 'Skanky Old Wrinkled Tits'. That's with adding a few letters and taking some away mind.So, you know, if anyone has any ideas then please let me know.Repeatedly.Thanks. drunk teen (Gleeballs has discovered a terrible new power..., Sat 10 Sep 2005, 19:03) How many Jewish mother-in-laws does it take to change a lightbulb? None: "I'll just sit here in the dark by myself..." (tree hugger, Sat 10 Sep 2005, 13:06) why? Not my mother in law per se, just my girlfriend's mother, but hey.She