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( Captn safety hazards Hood-Butter I didn't do it., Mon safety hazards 19 Sep 2005, 23:26) My Great safety hazards nan was supposed to go first class on the Titanic then she didn't cos she didn't feel like it or something. (P-nut Obsessive Compulsive Green Day Disorder..., Mon 19 Sep 2005, 23:06) I am posh. I used to be in the Spice Girls and then married David Beckham. (Lambkin, Mon 19 Sep 2005, 22:21) Use ta be posh Ancestor of mine was from a posh family. In the late 18th and early 19th century, they had a town house in a nice part of London, plus a country estate in Feltham, when it was country. Great.....great whatever father John Morris was chairman of the Parish Council, one of hs sons - Joseph Morris - was the local vicar. Another of his sons got their spanish maid up the duff - and married her, and then got caught nicking a shitload of grog.Family