Scott Brooks 09 Jan refugee teenage sex clips

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Scott Brooks 09 Jan 06 Have you ever asked someone teenage sex clips for a Kleenex ? Were you sure it was a Kleenex ? Or was it a Scott Brand or perhaps a no name facial tissue. There was nothing prior to kimberly clarke inventing the category. Same goes for apple. Kleenex has become synonomous with facial teenage sex clips tissue. So much so that when people look around and see a box of facial tissues they inevitably ask for a kleenex. Podcast has be come sysnonomous with “self contained auto teenage sex clips downloading audio files.” How did the tissue companys react …….they didn’t try to change the name of the category. They road the wave of a new category. Dear Creative Stop….please…..your making yourselves look childish. Scott Gary King 09 Jan 06 Dave, The only thing about ‘personal on demand’ on the Wikipedia article is: “Creative, a manufacturer of competing audio player products, criticise the term as giving undue credit to Apple and have attempted to revise its etymology so as to refer to Personal On Demand broadcasting.”
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