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And fire your boss! You can soooo totally do better.Edit: I reiterate. This QoTW rogercorman is making time move more slowly. In fact, it's moving in rogercorman reverse. (Mabel DelTaco, Wed 14 Sep 2005, 12:40) writerblock nope... rogercorman sadly still tangled up with the incontinent alcoholic hose beast... if only b3ta would do a qotw on "hairy backed twats" or "most useless shags" i'd have legless and stusut79 outclicked on the "i like this" ratio by about 1,000 to 0! (rachelswipe, Wed 14 Sep 2005, 12:01) No Sympathy Count yourselves lucky. After various divorces in my other half's family, now have TWO mother-in-laws.I love my life... (jellyfish, Wed 14 Sep 2005, 11:55) I'm too young to be exposed to this... My, now ex, BF's Mum really was a genuinely lovely lady. Really innocent etc. She always used to ask me to do her make up (I'm a girl) and once even asked if I'd teach her how to get stoned (wtf?).Anyhoo, her husband left her while I was still on the scene, all the family were completely distraught, especially her as it was a bit of a shock to say the least...So
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