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[total 5 beastiality samples] Comments (0) March 6, 2006 sex animal girl Filed under: Beastiality stories, animal sex, bestiality fantasies, beastiality xxx — Bruno @ 1:32 pm Blackjack clung like a beachside fishing village to the ash gray desert that sprawled as far as the eye could see toward the craggy-hewn naughty games peaks of the Kingston Range, a naughty games motley collection of sun-parched naughty games ridges in the southern end of the California Sierras. To the north lay the natural furnace of Death Valley; less than a hundred miles beyond the mountains, Las Vegas nestled like a multicolored jewel in the parched wilderness of the Mojave. It was almost mid-day, and today, like every other day of the year, most activity had ground tediously to a standstill so that men and machines could be replenished. A dozen or so of the men huddled under the tin roof of the open-ended maintenance shed, talking quietly so as not to exert themselves in the scorching heat, waiting for the signal to shuffle back over the powdery wastes and return to their jobs on the oil derricks.