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Then I went to check out in the garden center because the lines up front were longer than sledging(cricket) Dirk Diggler's cock. And the guy at the checkout was talking to his friend about "the gopher," the metal rod with the grabby thing on the end fat people use to sledging(cricket) pick shit up so they don't have to bend over. And they were talking about sledging(cricket) how the guy on the boxused to hawk Oxy Clean and now he's selling the Gopher. And I'm sure I scared the shit out of these two guys, like I scare everybody, when I looked over at the Gopher and said, "That's Billy Mays, 'The Stain Specialist.' Who made him the Stain Specialist? My mother could be the Stain Specialist." That commercial has always pissed me off. And we have almost a full can of OxiClean in the laundry room, cause the shit don't work.But