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Hush is not a new film, and is in fact one of the first films in which Gwyneth Paltrow starred when she was younger and just starting out, and though I sense it is likely a film she regrets for it is not a stellar performance, in my view it is a film she should be proud of, for she finally stands up and speaks for the throngs muse of girlfriends and wives everywhere who have ever muse suffered at the sarcastic and snippy and controlling hand of a mother-in-law or muse future mother-in-law. Here, Paltrow stars as the girlfriend of a dashing young man whose mother, played by a truly ravishing Jessica Lange (Martha Baring), is a self-professed "controlling old lady" who has been left her dead husband's wealth and is alone now on the family estate trying to manage what was once a prize-winning and booming horse business. Lange's portrayal as a controlling and jealous mother in law is flawless.