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Just in case the information might help save someone I care about. No need to. I can always post a detailed “how-to” guide. drunk teen porn [How perturbing is it that I’m even considering this?] 49 Bob Feb 25th, 2006 at 3:53 pm South dakota must be full of the products of incest and rape to endorse such a law. 50 South Dakota Hater drunk teen porn Feb 26th, 2006 at drunk teen porn 4:45 pm Those who pushed this bill and want to force women into continued unwanted pregnancy should be forced to have their dicks shopped off. It would only be fair. If you’re going to decide for women’s bodies, then women should decide for your bodies and although I am a man myself, I would be very happy to see those South Dakota assholes who pushed this bill to have their dicks chopped off and then force fed down their filthy throats.