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(sittingduck, Tue 20 Sep 2005, 1:00) Dancing bears... I have four dancing bears and a couple of peregrine falcons that I use to catch tresspassers on my allotment.... And yet I live in Britain's poorest community and therefore everyone that I meet is posher than me.So I'm not posh but I once saw lots of posh mature people through the railings. (Shrewd mature Ape on a lilo in a lido in a limo on a lima in Lima, Tue 20 Sep mature 2005, 0:49) Brian Sewell Now he makes the queen sound common! ( Captn Hood-Butter I didn't do it., Mon 19 Sep 2005, 23:26) My Great nan was supposed to go first class on the Titanic then she didn't cos she didn't feel like it or something. (P-nut Obsessive Compulsive Green Day Disorder..., Mon 19 Sep 2005, 23:06) I am posh. I used to be in the Spice Girls and then married David Beckham. (Lambkin, Mon 19 Sep 2005, 22:21) Use ta be posh Ancestor of mine was from a posh family.
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